Follow these 7 electrical safety tips - keep your home safe

Who would’ve thought that one day, there would be a machine for every house chore? You no longer have to wash the dishes or your clothes because we have a dishwasher and a washing machine for those chores. There are all kinds of home gadgets these days. But did you know that your home’s wiring system has some surprises that you should know about for electrical safety purposes?

Here are some tips to help you identify electrical safety hazards and protect your family from electrocution and other electricity-related accidents.

1. Check Your Electrical Panel

Most electrical panels are located in the garage, backyard, or kitchen. It’s essential that you know where your panel is and every switch connected to it. This will make it easier for you to identify any fault associated with the casing and wiring. Also, your panel should never feel hot when you touch it. If it does, call an electrician to replace it.

2. Place The Fire Extinguishers Strategically

Problems in the wiring can lead to electrical fires. There have also been cases where power outages have caused a fire. The most effective extinguisher for electrical fires is a fire-retardant chemical one. Never pour water on fires started by electricity because it will make the situation worse. Water is a good conductor of electricity and will ‘fuel’ the fire. Place the fire-retardant extinguishers on every floor near the main power outlets.

3. Pay Attention To The Breakers

Your home’s wiring system is built to handle electrical safety hazards. There are some occasions where an unsteady power supply may be experienced. These unexpected power outages and overloads trigger the breakers in the electric panel. Breakers that trip indicates that you have too many appliances or gadgets in the same circuit. Remove some gadgets and turn the power back on. If the breaker still trips after that, you have a bigger problem, and you should call an electrician.

4. Check Your Electrical Planning

If you bought your house from someone, you should know its age. That’s because homes built in the 20th century were designed to handle fewer electrical loads. Back then, there were no machines for everything. Modern appliances can easily overload the electrical system of old houses. Update the wiring as soon as you can to protect your appliances and your home from fire.

5. Ground Protection For Older Appliances

Any electrical appliance should have a grounding outlet. This will help facilitate the release of excess charges. Make sure all appliances have a three-pronged plug. The extra prong is for grounding electricity.

6. Check Your Outlets

The electrical outlets in your home can warn you of impending electrical danger. Feel the outlets with your palm. If they feel warm, there is a problem with your system. Call a qualified electrician to find the source of the issue before it becomes worse.

7. Observe The Lights

If the lights flicker from time to time, it’s an indication of a faulty electrical panel. In some cases, it could mean that too many appliances are connected to the outlet. Reduce the load on that outlet to see if the lights will stop flickering. If the flickering continues, call an electrician to diagnose the system.

Electrical safety should be your top priority when you move into a new house or before you buy a new appliance. If you’re going to handle electrical work by yourself, be careful. However, if you observe some of the red flags talked about on this list, call a professional to resolve the issue.

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